Jonathan Green Lawn Care Products
Celtic Concept carries Jonathan Green lawn care product for immediate pickup at the supply center. Jonathan Green lawn care products are changing the way that you care for your lawn, for the better. It is based on the use of both organic and traditional fertilizers in the lawn when and where you need them. You will see that you do not need to apply turf chemicals all over the lawn year after year. You will finally take control of how you care for your lawn in order to grow an attractive, healthy lawn that will not be subject to most lawn problems.
Organics and the New American Lawn Plan
In Jonathan Green’s New American Lawn Plan, both organic and synthetic fertilizers are used to encourage lawn grass growth. This balanced approach produces great results! Synthetic fertilizer works more quickly in cold, spring soil. Later in the year, after the soil has warmed to approximately 57 degrees Fahrenheit, organic fertilizers work very well.Great New American Lawns result when genetically superior turf-grass varieties, like those in our Black Beauty Grass Seed Mixtures, are grown in healthy biologically active soil.
Growing your own great looking carefree New American Lawn is as Easy as remembering U-S-A
U – Use Black Beauty Grass Seed Mixtures S – Stimulate Soil Biology and relieve soil compaction with Love Your Lawn – Love Your Soil A – Adjust Soil pH Upwards rapidly with Mag-I-Cal
When To Feed Your Lawn
Lawn Care Calendars for the New American LawnApplying The New American Lawn is so easy with our feeding calendars! Just choose one of the three Program Application Wheels below that best suits your needs, and follow the lawn and soil food schedules.
STANDARD APPLICATION SCHEDULE | WHEEL 1: If you are NOT seeding this spring, then use our Standard Program wheel. It is the most popular NAL fertilizer program.

If you ARE seeding this spring, then use our Seeding Program wheel.
If you want to apply ONLY organic products to your lawn, then use our Organic Program. Eventually, we’d like all customers to graduate to the Organic Program. However, if users have had many weed problems on their lawn in the past, then we recommend using one of our other programs for a few years, and once the weeds are under control switching to the Organic Program.